* I just completed album (Vol II - Acoustic piano sound) and another album (Journey) that will feature most of my compositions, introducing myself as a music composer to the public - unlike my fans - who never heard them before . NOW on the markets . see more
* Dear valued friends ,
I thought I should inform you all , that due to constant difficulties in renting or finding a piano for your events , I've bought the best digital portable piano that I can easily bring along at your desired location for performance ..
Wishing you all the best .
Regards . Omar Nassefhttps://soundcloud.com/omar-nassef-3
* If you'd be interested in listening to me LIVE , you're most welcomed on Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:00pm and from 2:00 to 3:00pm at Dandy Mall's main enterance (atrium), and Fridays on the second level from 6:00 to 8:00pm .
* لو عايز تسمعنى لايف ، اهلا بك ايام السبت والاحد والاثنين والخميس من 12 الى 1 و من 2 الى 3 مساء عند المدخل الرئيسى لداندى مول ، ومن 6 الى 8 مساء بالدور العلوى ايام الجمعة .
* I have submitted - years ago - a syndicate proposal for my fellow 1st class musicians, unfortunately it never saw light. I urge Egyptian musicians to do their best in pushing this matter until implemented for their own well-fair .
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