Kindly post your message on my site with picture if possible.
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Your feedback is essential for my progress in performance and music composing ... Thank you so much
من : دكتور لطيف فهمى فى 23/12/2011
الموسيقار الكبير الفنان عمر ناصف
كان من دواعي سروري وشرف عظيم لي ان استمتع بعزفكم الراقي الجميل
علي البيانو في داندي مول مساء اليوم 23 ديسمبر واني اشكركم علي تلك
اللحظات الرائعه التي استمتعنا فيها بهذه الموسيقي التي هي غذاء الروح
والقلب الحسا س المملوء بدفء المشاعر وحيث انني عازف سماعي للبيانو
فاني انحني امام فنكم الراقي والله يبارك فنكم الجميل
From : Rami Saif Sora, on 1/6/2010 Dear Mr Omar ,,
YU Know I Enjoy your music ,, if you remember me , we met at dandy mall ,, i got your new album and i reali enjoyed it , especially Track #4 ,,
And Im Trying To Find Your oldies as you told me ,, but i couldnt find any ,, i just found the 3 Trailers ( Overture , Escape , And Forever Short )
Anywayz ,, Im a Number 1 fan of yourz and defintly im coming to you so soon !!
From : Naglaa Mostafa, on 21/4/2010 Hi, I'm the one who should thank you for your beautiful music which it take me back to that time, "Yesterday when I was young", "Feeling", "Take my heart"...... A big thank also to my dearest Anna when she insisted to accompany her to hear the music. I want to ask you how could y read my mind before I ask so easly??? that day and after??? I'm so "Misty".
From : Magdy Fayed, on 11/4/2010 It was originally a plus and a bonus for me and my small family when we were pleasantly surprised by a touch of beauty in the middle of Dandy Mall. That gift was yourself and the lovely white classic piano and the Music rays that lightened our hearts and added value to our passing time there. You gave us another reason to come to the mall next to shopping. I here like to thank you for the beautiful time and live tunes of your piano. I enjoyed as well the first CD that I listened to in my car during the daytime and the evening and enjoyed it with the old tunes of the past. I have also a confession, although I do prefer the classic piano to the digital one, I really enjoyed the first CD and look forward to enjoying your next one with some tunes on the classic piano. Once more, well done and Congratulations for your first album.
Kind Regards,
From : Majda & Hassan, on 19/3/2010 At last we're gonna enjoy ur romantic, delicate, & tasteful music ..Best Luck .. من : ألفريد فى 15/3/2010 مبروك عمر ، مع كل التمنيات بدوام التقدم لترقى بالذوق العامFrom : Engineer Alaa el Naeim, on 13/3/2010 I listen to you at Dandy Mall every week, you have made it a place well known for the piano. I hope you stay at Dandy. Thank you From : Mohamed Nassef, on 10/3/2010 All the best for the one who inspired me in my life and my music career, best luck....
من : ماجد عبدالفتاح فى 9/3/2010 يحلق بى جمال عزفك الى عالم رومانسى ساحر يعيد الى شبابى و يبعث الأمل من جديد
من : نجلاء فى 8/3/2010 أسعدتنا وامتعتنا وابهرتنا بالعزف الجميل الساحر
From : Dr. Ali abdel Kader, on 7/3/2010 I realy enjoy your music and piano playing, keep making us happy Thank you
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